Behind the Image

Front cover of Behind the Image with notebook next to it

Absorbing and accessible

This book absorbed me. It was one I wanted to read early on because it grabbed my attention.I had dipped into some of the other suggested reading – lighting, The Photographer’s Eye etc., but this is the one that I was keen to really delve into. Partly, because I had worked with Anna Fox many years ago and partly, because it appealed to the researcher in me.

I wanted to know how and why they were combining research and photography. When I read the introduction it made me wonder what sort of photographer they had in mind as the readership. As someone who has worked in the subsidised arts sector and done postgraduate research it made perfect sense to me but I wondered if it would be the same for everyone.

I like the idea of having a project ‘framework’ and am wondering how I might incorporate the approach into my work on the Art of Photography.

 “A body of photographic work is developed through knowledge gained in exploring the medium.” (Fox & Caruana, 2012: 6)


Fox, A., & Caruana, N. (2012). Behind the Image: Research in photography. Lausanne, Switzerland: AVA Publishing SA.


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